Limits to your CPF Funds

3 Types of caps to watch for in repaying housing loan:

  • Valuation Limit (VL)
    - This ceiling is hit when CPF savings used for mortgage payment = purchase price / valuation of the property, whichever lower.
    When that happens --> need to have half prevailing minimum sum in Ordinary Account and / or Special Account before can use any excess CPF savings.
  • Available Housing Withdrawal Limit (AHWL)
    - Beyond the VL, excess CPF savings available to repay loans
    - A moving limit as it goes up when have new CPF contribution and down when minimum sum increases.
  • Withdrawal Limit (WL)
    - The AHWL, in turn is subject to WL.
    - The maximum amount of CPF funds that can be used for a property. No further CPF funds can be used when limit is reached. If housing loan outstanding when limit reached, home owners have to use cash for future instalments.